Tales of Symphonia Série TV 2007 - - Casting, bandes annonces et résumé (2024)

Résuméde Tales of Symphonia

Il y a 1000 ans une guerre éclata entre les elfes, les humains et les nains. De cette guerre sont nés les demi-elfes qui sont rejetés et considérés comme responsables de la guerre. Chaque année un élu est choisit afin de régénérer le monde par la tour du salut. Cette année c'est Collette qui est choisie pour ce périple. Lloyd et son meilleur ami Genis vont l'accompagner pour la protéger. Ils rencontreront au cours de ce périple des personnages qui rejoindront leur équipe ou passeront des pactes avec des esprits qui leurs seront bien utiles pour le combat final...

Vidéos de Tales of Symphonia

Bandes annonces, teasers et photos

Tales of Symphonia Série TV 2007 - - Casting, bandes annonces et résumé (1)Tales of Symphonia Série TV 2007 - - Casting, bandes annonces et résumé (2)

Quels sont les épisodes de Tales of Symphonia ?

Tous les épisodes de Tales of Symphonia

  • Saison 1
  • Saison 2
  • Saison 3
  • Bonus

8 épisodes

S01E01 - 08/06/2007 - Sylvarant OVA 1

S01E02 - 10/08/2007 - Sylvarant OVA 2

S01E03 - 24/10/2007 - Sylvarant OVA 3

S01E04 - 21/12/2007 - Sylvarant OVA 4

S01E05 - 30/11/-0001 - Street Justice

Ben and Ryan team up with Theresa Baldoni, a tough New York cop, who comes to California to catch the man who murdered another cop; only she's not interested in justice, she wants revenge. Carroll becomes romantically involved with Baldoni. Nora and Walt protect a young girl orphaned after a hit man kills her mother.

S01E06 - 30/11/-0001 - Time Served

As Walt prepares to retire, he looks into a 13-year-old murder case and learns he arrested the wrong man. The department throws Walt a going-away party. Ben teams Ryan with Nora. Ryan hopes to entice Nora romantically, as they investigate a suspicious suicide. Ryan and Nora uncover that the suicide was actually a murder with a dentist for the prime suspect.

S01E07 - 30/11/-0001 - Nearest and Dearest

The unit investigates when a policeman is murdered in bed and quickly finds a suspect, his wife, Andie Harper! Nora worries that the murder may have been too easy. Ben concurs. The squad reopens the investigation. Ben and Ryan look at each other suspiciously, because both once had an affair with Andie Harper. They both investigate and find out how sexually voracious Andie Harper is.

S01E08 - 30/11/-0001 - The Edge

Ben, Ryan and Nora investigate the apparent hate-crime murder of a Jewish boy, but discover it's more complicated and that it might have been the work of some well-off teenagers. When an unidentified beggar is murdered, Walt becomes obsessed with finding out his identity.

6 épisodes

S02E00 - 30/11/-0001 - Omake Episode 03

S02E01 - 25/03/2010 - OVA 1

S02E02 - 23/05/2010 - OVA 2

The group meets a blacksmith and a young girl named Presea. The blacksmith forges special versions of the exspheres, thus bringing them under control. However, the blacksmith is too old to do his job, yet agrees to teach Lloyd. One night, however, a prisoner is handcuffed in front of the house.

S02E03 - 23/09/2010 - OVA 3

Lloyd and the others learn from the Renegades that Colette is said to be in the "Nest of Dragons". The "Nest of the Dragons" is a fortress surrounded by storm clouds, which can be approached only with kites or Rheairds. Sheena tries to make a pact with elementalist Volt before the group has a chance against their overpowering opponents.

S02E04 - 25/02/2011 - OVA 4

Lloyd and his companions set out to attack the "Nest of Dragons" and free Colette. However, the fight is harder than expected and the opponents seem to be overpowering. Will they be able to save Colette?

S02E05 - 30/11/-0001 -

3 épisodes

S03E01 - 31/12/2011 - The United World Volume 1

Lloyd and his companions can only see one chance to save both the Sylvarant and Tethe'alla: they must unite both worlds and their mana. The group has also gained a little boy named Mithos. Genis makes friends with him and they feel a strong connection. However, Mithos seems to have a dark secret.

S03E02 - 20/06/2012 - The United World Volume 2

Colette was kidnapped by Mithos to retrieve his deceased sister Martell. He plans on using her as an empty vessel for Martell's return. Lloyd and the others want to prevent this at all costs, and to do this they have to fight their opponents at the Tower of Salvation. However, the clock is ticking...

S03E03 - 24/10/2012 - The United World Volume 3

When Mithos realizes that his beloved sister does not want to return, he gets angry and wants to fight again. Lloyd, on the other hand, not only has to face his opponents but also deal with his past. Can the two worlds really be saved from destruction?

9 épisodes

S00E01 - 08/06/2007 - Kratos Sensei no Private Lesson

Lloyd and Collete talk about the special DVD editions, and Professor Kratos gives a summary of the ancient history of the world in Tales of Symphonia.

S00E02 - 26/09/2008 - Kaette Kita Kratos Sensei no Private Lesson

Kratos Sensei's private lesson is back! Except this time, since Kratos isn't around to teach, so the great Zelos takes his place! And he brings with him, a special announcement!

S00E03 - 25/03/2010 - Mata Aeta ne: Shougeki no Judgement!

The characters gather and talk about different things. How they are going to save the day, become the main love interest of the ladies, have increased screen-time, etc...

S00E04 - 23/05/2010 - Bonus Episode 2

S00E05 - 23/09/2010 - Bonus Episode 3

S00E06 - 25/02/2011 - Bonus Episode 4

S00E08 - 20/06/2012 - Tales of Symphonia Theater

S00E09 - 24/10/2012 - Tales Ring Symphonia! Final Special Episode

S00E07 - 23/11/2011 - The United World Special

Tales of Symphonia Série TV 2007 -  - Casting, bandes annonces et résumé (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.