The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

I THE AGE, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1884. Board and Residence, Houses and Land To Let. this beading fourteen words charged ROOMED House, gas, bath, laundry, fowl house and every conveulence. Palmerston A BEDROOM, well furnished, trades men or othere. Hotel, Bonverie-st.

Hotel. 80 Madeline st. Cariton, opposite Harp Erin SHOP to Lot, Little Apply Globe Loan Bank, 9 Little Collin A BEDROOM, optional, 50 suit respectable next tradesman; Champion board A ten SPLENDID balcony Residence, and verandah overlooking 35s. Exhibition, weekly, Hotel, Fitzroy. levers, 101 rooms, Cariton.

for three gentleman Boarders. Prahran. Brick Cottagce, week. near staCOOMMODATION A 69 CCOMMODATION same respectable place Dentist, boarders; Fitztoy. bath, A tion.

Donald Munro, auctioneer, 5 Collins-st. E. A gas, piano, washing comfortable. 20 A Donald Parkville. Sunro, -Brick auctioneer, House, 6 5 rooms Colline-st.

20s. W. week. N. Richmond.

respectable trades men, A tion. Albert Park. Donald -Brick Munro, Villa, auctioneer, 254, week 6 near Collins-st. A Board CCOMMODATION wud Residence, for private family, 12 No. Hood.

W. Melbourne. A THREE ROOMED Cottage to Let. 90 for lady during accouchement; Collin wood. CCOSISIODATION Malvern, Wattle Villa resi.

R. Dunbar's, Bridge Hotel, -Best nccominodation for commercial travellers and tamiles hooking office for coaches 1 loose boxca for racing horses, Established 1853. QUIET Hotel (healthy Beeston's locality) Royal for Hotel, boarders: north end Swanston-st. Houses and Land To Let. 1Cuder this headlag four cen words charged BEAUTIFUL front Room, use kitchen, respectA able Fitzros.

couple; cas. Corner Webb, Napier A 15 acres. Two Apply mail early, farms, Glascott near de town 10 Matthews, and Temple-court. CELS. -Five highly improved Farms to Let in Gippaland; Farms for Sale.

Glascott MatTemple-coart, adv, Prabran immediate. 10 street. Chemist's Business, thriving district, well Dished: invoing moderate. DAVEY, Flack well 10 Elizabeth-street Boarding House, situated, city; blished 20 years, NAVEY, Flack 0., 10 Brewery, Tasmania: established nearly half a century price, £8500 Y. FLACK and Public Accountante, 10 ELIZABETI-STREET.

To opportunity ench s8 only presents itself once in a lifetinie. A wholesale firm ate compelled to relinquish a flourishing suburban retail business. No goodwill. First class terma to pushing, energetic man. FAncy Goods reasons.

and Miss Registry Pick, Office street, North Brighton. wire, Willow etrictly Lodge, private. 14 Mrs. Martin, Hornam. certificated mid- A deuce, 10 rooms; garden, neatly laid out, coach CCOMMODATION respectablu Boarders, terms house, Colline-st.

stabling, Munro, auctioneer, 5 Donald Pooms to Let. 143 W. moderate; front 8. Melbourne. A Toorak.

-Brick Villa, 5 rooms, kitchen, CCOMMODATION fOr two respectable trades Collins-st. near W. station. Donald Munro, auctioneer, Melbourne. men, board and residence: 189.

48 GERMAIN NICHOLSON'S CORNER, FURNISHED Room to Let, with fireplace; suit Collins and Swanston BE streets, LET Melbourne, A A young men. 72 Fitzroy. SHOPS In New TO Buildings, A LBERT Park. Home, close train The plans of the new buildings to be erected on this two gentlemen ouly. Inquire Lindsay's, 58 Bride unsurpa-sed business site having now been definitely port-st.

fixed, and a tender for erection having been accepted, LBERT Park, 1 Buckingham-terrace, St. Vincent- applications will be received for the shops, which married couple, gentlemen, were previously reserved, pending arrangements in tion mode ate. regard to upper floors. 6 Nicholson-st. Gardens -Vacancies it la scarcely necessary to state that this corner is A single gentlomen, married couple; bath, piano, southern unequalled in hemisphere, Melbourne, as site and for really prohably high in class the WIDOW accommodate married couple, two Plans can be seen and all particolars obtained at the businesses.

A Exhibition. friends. 13 King Fitzroy, close office of Mr. DAVID WORMAL, Architect, 62 Collias-street BE man; latch key, comfortably bash, 55. furnished, 40 single terrace, east, opposito Shop, Town to Ball.

Let, Wellington street, Coiling. Fitzroy, parade. wood. W. Hi.

Tuckett. 39 Queen-45. BOARD. aud 3 Residence, Roxourgh-terraco, 2 friends, Victoria very comfort. avenue, 81., Villa, Albert 7 Park.

rooms, Apply on Beaconsfield-parade premises. and Mills. Albert Park. two BB RICK Shop and three rooms, Newry-st. Apply BOARD and Residence, only Albert kept.

Park, Apply S. Mel. Mrs. 52 opposite cemetery. Cottage, with bath bourne.

CABLE work room. near Church-st. -Four-roomed brick DOARD and for married couple or TARLTON, Little Dorrit-st. -Four roomed Brick young ladies. 0 Fitzroy.

DA llouse, Poter Yeo, Queen-st. Residence, trades tel 169. Bristol Exhi. THEMIST'S Premises, at Bacchus Marsh 44 acres Boarding House, corner Flinders and stabling rare chance. Jeremiah Ryan, bition sta.

Dethridge-st. BOARD and 19 Residence for two S. steady Yarra. men; LIFTON Hill, -Brick House, trades others.

rooms, bathroom El woekly. Holgate, Heidel. OARD, Reeidenco for trades Trades man and A son office. aged 9, borg-rd. near station or 'bus.

Man, Age -10 Acres, pastoral or agricultural. A. BOARD and Residence S. for Melbourne, respectable clos men; station. no COM Corbett, 15 Queen-st.

children. 65 wo and Yard to Let, suitable for work shop. and Residence Prahran for station. gentlemen. 35 Apply Kari of Zetland, near NOTTAGE, detached, 4 rooms, passage, kitchen, private Melbourne.

room, bath, latch key bath, gas. Prahran, A W. Collingwood, rooms BOARD, Residence, double and single comfortabie, good yard; 0s. Duncan, grocer, bath, gas. 3 -terrace, aland.

Cariton. COLLING -Eight-roomed COME FORTABLE only, private moderate. Board 38 and Residence, Vic- or Bell E. o. keys at Mira.

Edgar's, Alexander-st. toris-parade. MELBOURNE. Large six-roomed brick Villa, CONF four FORTABLE respectable Board and pereons. Residence 35 for three E.

every nenr requisite. Doncaster, 1 Be 86 acros, gravia-terrace Dwelling stock Fitzroy. valuation; rent, 4.52 year. Johnston, 101 CollingMOM FORTABLE 30 Home Green for st Trades Men, at Mira. W.

Windsor, close to NIVE-ROOMED House, kitchen, wash house, larve station. A yard, moderate, Corner King, Stanley W. CON tarnished Bedrooms, Little quite Flinders. pri- Melbourne. house.

NIVE-ROOMED House, bath, gas; cvery respectable 148 st. E. onco. Apply corner shop Lynch and Madeline Board and Lodging for Trades streets, Carlton. Men.

No. 16 near W. off Highlander-1. -Stable and Heibourue. Yard.

Apply Wyborn Son, 46 Elizabetn-st. Board Lodging by young lady in business, Windsor, moderate. Lettic, Hart's FOUR NOUR-ROOMED nience 139. new brick Railway Cottage, Hotel, bath; Nicholson- overy COMFORTABLE Board and Residence for single N. Fitzroy.

agency, St. Klida. man. 13 E. St.

Kilda. HA every convenience. Highett'a ANDSOME Houses, eight roo balconies still receives seaside Shaw, visitors, Seaton with Villa, usual where sho paddock, near Wellington-parado, Brick Villa E. to Let. Melbourne.

C. Baker, moderate opposite Hawthorn station. tion E. MELBOURNE. gentleman, privato -Superior family; Accommodation, .25 monthly, one Mias Anderson, 5 roomy, Abbotsford-at.

bath, gas, low Cards, 61 Bourke-st. rent. to Let, furnished or unfurnished. OTHAN, 17 Howard-st. -6-roomed House, bath, 11 Room Carlton, near Victoria -st.

rent, 189. Apply Muggle's Cottage. Room, furnished, married couple, 1180 OTEL, first class country Geelong. house, to Lot. Apply kitchen Argyle House, Fitz- H.

Bannister roy, closo Smith-st, EW. -Comfortable Villa, gas; six rooms, omnibus; £1 bathroom, 1s Apartments, suit married On partio pantry, wash house, gentlemen friends; also singlo ones. 3 Stanton, Kew. A Beckett -st. Shop, late Mr.

Kitchingman situated, bath. Lorne House, W. Stanton, agent. Rooms to Let; comfortable, healthily IS grand opening; fixtures, utensile; rental only, Nelbourne. upper Floor, suitable factory.

Albert and Room, fireplace 63. woelly. 46, Nicholson st9. corner Fitzroy and Leicester Fitzroy. ARGE, ventilated Store, upper flat, and Bed, Suiting Room, kitchen; Oftice.

Markel-st. well, fortable home with widow. 3 Albert-terrace, ET, Cottage, 4 rooms, hall, hath, stabling, outGreeves Fitzroy. hou es; low rent. Schild's, catato agent, front Room, suit lady, board optional; Footscray.

moderate. Elm Cottaze, Lo Carlton. ILTLE Bourke-st. E. -Brick House, containing largo front Room, suit married rooms, Peter Yeo, Queen--t.

FU friends every convenience. 106 Leicester N' EW brick Shop, good stand, any business. Carlton University. Builders' Arms, Hoti am Hill. URNISHED Room, sisters or friends, board Five roomed House, land, garden, optional; moderate.

Elm Cottage, N. ON fowl yard near statou, township. Apply Mrs. Carlton. Martin.

front Bedroom, fireplace suit two FEICES to Lot, first and second floor. Premierfriends; no children private. 167 Gertrude- chambers, 7 Collins-5t. W. Fitzroy.

Swan st. balcony Houses, FURNISHED Room, optional. suit 80 one or two W. respectable Mel. Weaver seven Co.

every couvenieuco; rent 269. Gd. bourne. ICHMOND, Villa, FUN convenience. Room, 24 suit married Fitzroy, or friends; parade every end.

Forbes, bathroom, Beidgo-rd. stables, out houses, large garden. Bedroom, suitable for two respect. Neat four roomed Cottage, compact, able working 49. weekly.

189 Bourke-st. E. R' complete; 3 minutes Swan station modePUNNISHED Bedroom to Let 1190 of kitchen rato. 50 Cubitt-st. widow.

2 York-st. S. Melbourne. TO IOU MOND, near station. -Brick front Room, fireplace suit married House, ten rooms, every convenienco.

Lucas, couple. 00 Webb-s near Smith-st, Fitzroy. Richmond. View House, Gore and Charles Fitz- HOP. Ave rooms, stabling.

1f acres land, five (GRAND -Superior accommodation, gentlemen; 5 miles out rising place. Donovan, Preston. vacancy married couple. HOP and awe ling, brick good iront; best part requires lodging close Carlton, Cariton. six rooms, every convenience.

King, HE springs. W. Reason, Kilda. agent, OME, for invalid lady or children, with widow Fixtures, 7 rooms, S. Melbourne.

passage, Farlane, pobath, good lady. Hole, 51 Prahran. eition, place, in requires St. Kilda, furnished Windsor, Bedroom, or Prahran. fire.

HOP and 4 Rooms, beat position in with agent. Grove Cottage, 8t. Kilda. 8. Melbourne, 27s.

6d. Mille de Wood rate. ARGE furnished Bedroom to Let. 4 Arbroath- and 5 rooms, N. cellar, stabio, corner Reid and terraco, near Carlton.

Brunswick Fitzroy ARGE furnished Room, married couple, convenience. large, and dweiling largo near sard; every two respectable front, 106 Latrobe- st. 116 Drummond, opposite Flagst if. Carlton. ARGE front Room to Let.

Apply 13 IX-ROOMED House, 73 Victoria- parade, E. St, Kilda, Aitkon's brewery. Apply within, near Bendigo Hotel. ODGING for respectable men: 49. per week.

Walhalla Cottage, near Ice Company, Franklin-st. House, Maori-terrace, Park-st. for Parkville. James Dickson, 5 Fitzroy. ODGINGS respectable trades men, 53.

weekly; bath, latchkey. 50 Fitzroy. Cottage, off Noddle E. Col. MALL furnished Cottage, Picnio Point, Brighton; ODGING, suit lady, and board or not.

Adelaide. lingwood. terrace, Barkly Vale sta, S. 40 Kilda. and 8 W.

T. Kids. -Handsome trick Villa, for respectable men. Franklin-st. stabling.

good position, 458. de Woodgate, large yard, modation Robertson, cortificated midwife, has Accom: 7 rooms rent 090. Tullett, Grey-et, handy position, door for Lady to. during Swan confinement Richmond. Kilda, 13111 thoroughfare.

-Two. patients attended 165 best busincas rent 268. tory Tullett, brick N' comfort and has accommodation for lady Grey-st. Shop, part; 28 Pitt-street, invalld, Carlton. privacy.

Poplar Cottage, near and gentlemen. 3 Dwelling. Peter Yeo, DRIVATE Eaton-terrace, near Mint; terma ST. Kilda, -Islington Cottage, Board and Residence, modorate, every convenience. Lemme, Junction Iigh-st.

five rooms, bathroom, kitchen. PRIVATE Board, Residence, piano, opposito bath. 5 Flagstaff Bel. Kilda. -Brick House, 6 roomy, £110.

bath, offices, Gardens. Terms moderate. balcony, gardens; grand view; Chuck, agent, Junction. DRIVATE Board and Residenco, 174, ver week. 5 ST.

Kilda. --Rents to suit Season. -Furnished and Carlton. comfortabie, Hone one two unfurnished Houses also, for Sale. Chuck, PRIVATE, 60 quiet W.

for or agent, Junction. men. Melbourne. SUPERIOR four-roomed and sidence, Mira, Eliza Bub- bath, largo verandans, hall. 47 Rich- gas, W.

board Cottage, PRIVATE near Board Market-square, Geelony. mond. and comfort- YARRA. -Six-roomed brick able Accommodation for visitors; terms mode. shed, garden.

19 Clara-st. Cottage; bath, rate. W. Sheehan, proprictor. pantry, YARRA.

-5-roomol Cottage, near station; Board I and Residenco ba copper, 15s. Rofe, agent, next private suites. Mrs. Keen's, Orwell Cottage, war station, Esplanado, ESIDENCE, near baths. partial board, 7 furnished Cottage.

Apply washing, near Village Belle Hotel, Richmond. Fitzroy Lot, suitable Exhibition for trades man, J. Age furnished. office. furniabed Cottage, Apply or moderate.

Mrs. to Woods, 4 Park-st. 8. Melbourne. E.

Collingwood. Brighton Cottage, off Kilda. Board and Residence two respectable ROOMED Cottago, Hotham 11s. trades men: private family no other boarders. Sinipson, Collina st.

E. Cassiope, a front Wellington-st. furnished or 10 Let, Wedmore House, Revon rooms, 10 Let, Room, unfurnished. Parkville. Apply at rusidence.

No. 4 W. Melbourne. 10 Lot, larze Room; cheap Let. -Furnished Bedroom, 1150 kitchen, gas J.

T. Sleep, W. stove, 42 Park-st. Albert Park, Let, Albion House, Port Mel.

mo Let, Fitzroy. two large Rooms; 65. 24 to Let. bourne, Stable 5 rooms, and Room, taleons, suit fowl cab man. house.

Apply 52 gentlemen Accommodated closo Moonea Richmond. Ponds Station. Cards, William Taylor, 81 Col. io Lot. -Three-roomed House.

"Apply corner line-et. W. shop, Grattan and Madeline ate. Residence, gentlemen can have comfortable Board, 10 Let, opposite railway station, Seymour, Shop Curlton. moderato; private family.

191 and Dwelling. suitable for any kind of business; splendid opening for an enterprising man. Apply D. Rooms, rent 60. 154 Drum- C.

Cameron, hotelkeeper, railway station, Seymour., Carlton, opposite Advertiser office. 7810 Lot, convenient two.story Store, on with shop Board sod Residence, Melbourne: front. Apply Wood Littlo single bedroom state terms Address J. J.

Collins-st. E. Ago office. TWO Upper Floors, suitable store, factory or workANTED, for youth 10 years, board and lodging room. Quizgin 141

W. Catholle family at Albert Park. Apply, W. Melbourne. -Shop aud stating terms, to Roman, Age office, roots, bath, Kirkus, Hot ham.

ANTED, Lodgings for two: 1198 of kitchen: Pay Kent Cottages, 8 or 4 ronme Victoria-st. A. Age office. 810 deposit; balanco monthly instalments. by a young gentleman, Board and G.

Benson, 32 Coilina-st. E. Lodging, Albert Park, privato family. A. 70, Shops to Let, ground and upper floors; Age office.

159. and Corbett, 15 Queen-st. ANTED, gentleman. a private Aldre4s Room A. B.

with board, for office. elderly 045 Shop, John Perry. 167 60 Ru-sell-st, 16, Age WAN Residence, it by Parkvile, two coinfortable centlemen. Board and Businesses and Partnerahips, York, Mr. Lyons, Errol-st, Hotham.

WANTED, by lady, two eagential. Quiet, ground Are BOARDING gentlemen House, boarders, 7 rooms, piano: well furnished, 1 ving 8 Agener, Geolong. 4200, Costelloe, Gore-street, Fitzroy. Park, with Furnished or Rooms, without beg: breakfast. position Address Alhort gentlemen BOARDING House, boarders: 8 £55 rooms, nil; good oponing.

two April, Lindsay's, Albert Park. Costello, Gore-street, Fitzror. IDOW bath, has piano, vacanciea comfortable Boar home. fora: 152 terms A perman-nt BOARDING boarders, House, 11 near rooms, town; £60 furnished, all. Fitzroy.

telloe, Gore-street, Fitzroy. moderate, Indy, piano. vacancy 41 two, gentlemen Carlton, boarders: Uni- A CITY bourne: Lodging 9 steady House for boarders: Sale, rental. cantre $5s. of Mel- first versity-sq.

class position satiefactory reasons for selling: incoming, £60; a bargain. Apple, between 19 and 1, Hotels, to John Turner, auctioneer, 65 Temple-court, alelbourne. Temperance Hotel. -Every ON Business for Sale doing 2 bodies, 25 Accommodation, visitors, boarders: tor mode- Abeop no reasonable offer refused. 0.

Easton, rate; large paddock near railway station. Ward, butcher, Miller-street, West Melbourne. proprietor. ID Flack 10 Elizabeth-street. ORDI Temperance ilotel, seaside, Agency for the tale and Purchaso of Businesses.

Board and Rosidence terms moderate. Thos. DAYANy Flack 10 Elizabeth-street Ozanne. Goods and Stationery Business; suit Businesses and Partnorshipa, Houses and Land For Sale. Houses and Land For Sale, Arosem*nt: Amusem*nts.

and Shoe Business offered proeperous sea- Essendon, opposite station. -Elegant Villa, Albert-street. Bargain, THE UNIVERSAL FURNISHING WAREHOUSE HEAT side township; doing 21 21300 yearly rent low. A land 66 132; bargain for casb 4650, or board House, 6 Toons, kitchen, WALLACH BROTHERS, Under the Management of Messrs. Willian Johnston, 104.

Mantle Collins-treet. Business for 1 Grey-street, East Two brick For west. W. Col- FURNITURE 158 Elizabeth-street, CARPETS Garner and Musgrove. Teris to suit at 2665.

Gledhill, 20 Collins-street west. Mirana, 7 Coilina-atreet FURNITURE Universal Furniabers, CARPETS country township; established good open- A Cottages rental, £104 scar; price, 4250 tago; kitchen, Sale, bath and copper. Apply: 49 FURNITURE FURNITURE Melbourne Post Office), CARPETS CARPEtS Treasurer SECOND Jan. WEEK, Moore. ing.

Johnston, 101 Collins-street west. deposit. Costello, Gore-street. Andrew-street, Windsor. (2 Please doors from Saturday's CARPETS And 7 Co, 101 wrest.

A King -street, Fitzroy. Two-storied k. LOOKER and SONS, Chancery-lana. FURNITURE column for further lator. CARPETS NIGHTLY INCREASING TRICHPH FURNITURE 500 our request persons selling businesses or wanting House, 5 roots, large sard rental, price, W.

Complete little Farm, 25 acres, fronting FURNITURE mation, prices, ko. CARPET the Young Irish partner send particulare. Customers registered. terms. Costellve, Fitzroy.

manent creek, 14 miles from Melbourne, 2265 10 FURNITURE Pamphlets with price list CARPS1S JOHN F. SHERIMAN As WIDOW ESTAURANT and Cooked Meat Business; genuino PALACLAVA, near station. -Neat weatherboard acres, improved, at Oakleigh, In splendid position, FURNITURE free on application. CARPETS The MELLOLANE PRESS, paying concern; ill health CAuse selling. 2410, Cottages, Forbes, five 4 rooms, Collins-street.

all conveniences, 2400, £600 Block, rich very Farm, suitable 100 for acres, market on Gippsland gardening, line, at 9 acre East FURNITURE Established over 40 years, CARPETS UNANIMOUS Without any in HIS exception, PRAISE. Johnston. 101 Collins-street we-t. and AY LEE and 5 Collins-street west, have choice Caulfield, cheap 920 acres, rich, black soil, only 18 0 P. the SS'S of THEATRE OPINIONS of the LEADING HOME PAPERS: for genutue clients, Allotments, pretty Cottages and other proper- miles from Melbourne, £6 per nore: 600 seres, splen- Under Williamson, Garner mcnagement and Musgreve, A huge laugh from beginning to --London Butchers' Businesses, Particulars requested, tie cheap investments.

didly improved Farm, near Gippsland line, £3 per Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Times, Johnston, 101 Collins-street west. Position, Park-street, near Prince's acre. Printed lists of properties.

reigns absolute from the rise till the fall of suburbs: buyers and sellers please call. W. H. water, orth Saturday. frontages, gas, and 5 ARRAVILLE, roomed small balance to suit.

The GENEVIEVE is an olia podrida of pure American kinds: Boarding Houses, al! A near station. -New Cottages, WARD SEASON, the Daily Telegraph. Warren, 30 Collins-street east, THEMIST'S Business, bury suburb, good opening; everything 2100, or valuation. W. If.

Warren, 80 Colline-street east, Do I Boarding 10 boarders House, beat good living position EST West chance. W. I. Warren, 80 Collins-street east. Or cery, present hands 6 years suit genuine buyer busy suburb.

W. Li. Warren, Collins-street east. ISTABLISHED Watch and Clock Jobbing Business for Sale owner retiring. Pivot, Burmeister Little Collins-street esst.

TOR Sale (moderate price), Goodwill of first class Boarding End'S Establishment, with furniture and requisites, 2 Bay view terrace, Collins-place. Confectionery Business; suit lady: stock, fixtures, 485 good trade. Thomas YarreDE, grocer, 108 Gertrude-street, Fitzroy, Store and Bakery for Sale, country splenaid opportunity. Apply BusiDees, Post Office, Cariton. ROCER'S stock.

Fixtures and Goodwill: business, Uotham; Langridge Son, Collingwood and Collins-street. ROCERY Store and Buriness, good position; fine chance for business man. Address, Grocer, Ago office. HI W. H.

LEAHY, S. 03 Colline-street Fast, Established 1830, Has inst to Offer for Private Sale. HOTELS, LEASEHOLD, City Hotel, Splendid position; bar takings, £80 weekly proprietor retiring ingoing, £2:00. City Rote, centrally eituated; trade, £50 weakly, all bar trade City Hotel, Swanston-street, capital position rent, £4 week ingoing. 2060.

Carlion. -Good corner house 8 years' lease; good trade: into ns. 4650. Carlton. -Rent, 42 week lease 5 years; £400, ball cish.

Suburban. -Trade averages C0 hhde. monthly good spirit account rent nearly all let off; ingoing, £1160. littie house, surrounded by rent, cash required, £100. West Melbourne.

-First class corner house, doing thriving business; lense over 5 years; ingoing, £550. Roadside Hotel, 185 ucres land; post and store attached; long lease: ingoing, moderate. Fitzroy. -Good commanding position, main tho. roughfare; ingoing, 2650 assistatico.

Suburban. -Old established house, situate at junction of 6 roads trade, 450 weekly; excellent stabling, loose boxes, ingoing, 42300 satisfactury reasons for leaving. Hothamn. --Compact littlo house: takings, weekly; rent, only 30s. woekly ingoing, £500, hall cash.

City Hotel. brick house, containing 12 FREEHOLD. rooms, billiard room, cellar, 2 cottages attached price, £2400. Suburban. -Near railway station: takings, £18 weekly; price, including furniture, goodwill, £1150.

miles from town; 5 acres land; orchard: 2800 for freehold, furniture, licence, Brick building, let on lease at £100 per annum; £1150. W. H. Leaby also offers several other hotels in town, country and suburbs, from 2150 upwards. Cash as-istanco to purchasore at bank rate of interest.

W. H. LEAHY, 08 Collins-street cast, opposite Town Hall. neizhborhood West house Melbourne well thickly furnished lease populated years: piano, billiards, stalling, every convenience; £500, half essh. Crawford 30 Queen-street, OTEL, suburban; hand-ome, well furnished corner house 4 lease; proven trade, £45 weekly; C650 cash.

Crawford'. OTEL, corner two busy suburban fares; 5 years lease rent 411 monthly £650, half cash; assistance. Crawford's. OTEL, charming little country home: well fur. nianed: one acre orchard; stalling; very low rent Crawford Co.

OTEL, city, £550 assistance £250, rent lease 4 years; 10 rooms; takings £30. Fitgerald and Co. 1 gerald OTEL, and lease Co. 7 city, years 13 rooms; assistance takings £350, £35. rent OT EL, 20 miles out £400; assistance rent HE moderate lease 4 takings 420.

Fitzgerald and Co. suburban, £310; assistance £120, rent low; lease 8 years; takings 420. Fitzgerald and Co. OTEL, suburban, 5155 £18; naistance land given rent £40 yearly; 5 neros attached. Fitzgerald and 50 Bout wrest.

Ho easy with terms, or Store, to Let country, with or freehold, without for stock, Sale, owing to family arrangements. E. Pickersgill, 11 Collin -street west. OTEL, suburban, best in neighborhood, commanding position, good, so respectable trade; honratly recommend trade proven; price heap. Apply John Daly, 134 Little Collins-street weat.

close to Elizabeth- -treet north. -One HE for C275 and another 2250. Pickersgill, 11 Colling-street west. OT doing grand business, to Let at good i1 and valuation; ingoing about £500. Pickersgill, Collins-street.

OTEL, centre of city, 2500 half cush; suit lady admirably; magnificently furnished. Par. ticulars, Caulfield, O'Brien Co. 0 for SALE Fine Corner Stand. Splendid Faving Business.

Cash required, Balance lent on casy terms. CAULFIELD, O'BRIEN and 13 olling-street west. on 2100 Carlton good Caulfield, trade: O'Brien purchaser must hotel have and money brokers. TE well and pleasantly situated, centre main immense traffic; present proprietor there several years ingoing. rent, lease, years; billiards, pinno, stabling.

We lend 2100 to haver rare bargain. Caulfeld, O'Brien and 18 Collins-streot west. Collingwood, drawing 16 hogsheads monthly proof trade; ingoing, £300, halt cash. Auply Caultield, O'Erion and do. MOTEL, excallont bar trade, weekly takings, 230: assistance, £100.

Apply Hugh Caulfield, 54 Bourke-street west. ANNOUNCEMENT. IMPORTANT An Economically Worked MILK ROUND Will ba SOLD In Fall Proft. Nearly 200 Daily. No bad pays, Gross profit.

210 weekly. Expenses one horse and cart, a driver and boy. Full turn out in excellent condition. Every requisite, with good will, £120, Books shown and evory information to genuine buyer. Apply, letter, Honest Offer, Ag office.

Shop, leading position, fittings, fixtures, trade ntensils complete; moderate rental: established by man, 1875. Stanton, agent, Kew, or Reynold's, Most Market, Hotham. ADY wishes to join another in Re istry Bustnose, established or otherwise. Business, P. Prahran.

A another smart, in young, travelling with bu sinall iness, capital, wanted. to Ap- join ply, after 6 p.m.. Tacaday, 142 street west. ILK Round, 16 cony, horse and cart, all utensils; 100 quarts per day. Adiress Milk W.J., Age office.

0 LD Goods, established Tinware, Grocery, Crockeryware Greengrocery, Busine-s, Fancy Sale; etock valuation, about £200. Fortnne, Are. 0 YSTI Busino a for Sale established 20 years; present proprietor 9 years in occupation. Apr ply 98 Bourke-street east, Business, doing good trado: low rent: rest, Cariton. Reed, agent, Nathdowne-treet north.

PARCELS suburbs. Delivery Farmer, Business, old Brighton-street, established; Rich. town mond, before 11 or after 7. PARTNER, with 21500 manufacturing or £2000, busines. required for Lyell first Company, 46 Elizabet PA rising country General district; Store capital, Business £500.

wanted, Salubrious, in Age office. PRINTING Business, letternress and for Sale, chenn Lameden, 28 Flinders lane weet. -General Printing Business (litho. and letter press). in neighboring colony, for Sale: or partnership.

Good paying business. Parti. colars, Cooke 42 Flinders-lane wont. PRINTERS. -For Sale, established City Business ding well capital poeltion.

Cooke Flinders inne west. did EGISTRY position. Office (City) Particulars, Business address for Salo: Matura, Age office. ESPECTARLE Lady wants Partnership with RE in frat class gentleman's boarding house; open week. Mona, Age office.

ETOBACCONIST Business, good opening for mart dresser. A ply corner tobacconist, lett-street, St. Rilin. toung Man, as partner, with £50, to join in grocery and wood business. Success, Age office.

to Purchase, Now Agency. State WAS ticulars price to G. W. Post Office, Melbonene. Houses and Laad For Sale.

have Villas, Cottages sud Land in A ever suburb. Lists posted. Wilder Gritfitha, Collin street. CHEAP Allotment Land, Edward street, Bruns: wick, 184 135, near Lygon-street, 199, telloe, Gore street, Fitzroy. FARM, 87 Aores prime land, Ringwood, near rallway station, C4 109.

acre; 4100 cash. Cos elloe, LBERT Park, convenient station. -Brick Cots tage, tour rooms, bathroom: Johnston, 114 Clarendon -street, 101 LEER Park, close station. Brick Cottage, four 14 A Collins-street rooms, verandah, £500. Beauchamp Brothers west.

DJOINING Botanical Gardens. Allotments, A Sonth Varro £7 74. foot; only seven left. Buston, South Melbourne. A terme LLOTMENTS only C1 at Lorne, monthly.

£10 Apply each W. title P. Carr, free; Gealong. Fitzroy, Hill, Brunswick, A from 184. foot: easy tornis.

Brick Cottages, from 2180. Warming, Clifton Bill fotel. A REAL Bargain. only twenty shillings foot great depths, easy terms. Apply liatton, Victoria Hotham.

Footscray, near station, 2 A brick Shops, a bargain, 43 deposit, 4b month: baker, grocer, butcher, dc. King, agent, Lygonstreet. Carlton. King -Substantial atone 4100 deposit. Costelloe, Gore-street, A tago, rooms, largo yard, stable price, £475, water, auction, Saturday.

King. RI Cottage, three rooms, bath, copper. Reynold, Rathdowne and Newry streets, opposite Victoria-equare, North Carlton. RICK Villa, Gertrude-street, 7 roome, the every Avenue, Windsor. convenience, Apply £850, Underwood, builder, sujoiving.

RICK three-roomed Cottage, North Sandridge; near railway; garden: £260. Johnston, 114 Clarendon-street, 101 Collina-street wost. Cottage. -Front complete, verandab, floor tile, bass nearly now. Rathdowne, near O'Grady-stret, North Carlton.

Shop and Dwelling, in the centre of town; 470. Langridge Son, Collins-street and Collingwood, RUNSWICK. Villa, ten rooms, bath, coach house, stables, fernery 119 318; corner; bargain; £750. Stone, $55A Smith-street, Collingwood. -No delay in building, gas and water Inid on, Park -street.

King, Lygon-street, Saturday. BUT -Note. position, -Two Park -street, frontages, North 171 ft. Carlton, deep, auction, Saturday. King.

Lygon-street. Brick Cottage, four rooms, hall, gAs, water, verandah, asphalt yard, terms. Hugh Peck. invited, one or two superior new brick Cottages, just Onishing, Stationstreet, North Cariton. Sce the owner, Bolwell, builder.

Bargain; good investment, Villa, four rooms, bath, Dook case, wardrobe, verandahs, iron palisading 4420, terms. Stone, auctioneer, 855A Smith-street, (CARLTON, 8176, easy terms. -Now Vale Brick aud Son, Cottage. 30 Co lins-street east. MARLTON, North.

-Two fine four-roomod Cottages and bath, land 126 deep. Percl. LongLottom, builder, Canning street. Villa, five rooms, book case, wardrobe, dresser, copper, bath; £420, terma. Stone, auctioneer, 355A Smith Cullingwood.

-Villas. six rooms, bathroom, pantry, land 93 120; £700, terins, Spurr, builder, Rowe-street. -Brick Villa, four rooms, bath; choice part; 4330: bargain; terms. Stone, 8054 Smitu-street, Collingwood. somed plastered; stables, garden, 17 182; double frontage; £200, terms, Stone, 355A Smith-street, Collingwood.

court, Melbourne. 30 roomed brick Cottage, bath, coppor; £400. Apply South Cottago, Davi street, North Car ton. NIVE-ROOMED CottAge, Newry-street, North roy, near Brunswick-street 2500. Tydeman, auctioned Elgin-street, Carlton.

District, Maidstone. Four Allotmenta, £16, free title, Torrens's Act, open one month. Salman, auctioneor. -Now four roomed Cottages, garden, grounds, close station terms casy. Coward.

reet, Footecray. five and six roomed Cottages and Villas; small deposits. Edwards, builder, Bronswickstreet, above Scotchiner-street, North Fitzroy. I SALE Privately. TURNER block Land, High-street, Malvern, 70 no reasonable ofer refused.

2 street, Carlton. YOTTAGES for Hale, three and four rooms, Hotham, Richmond; payable, 12s. 6d. to 208. weekly.

Hugh Peck, Queen-street, ELIGHTFULLY situated six-ro med new brick Cottage: 2500; casy terms. Robertson, builder, N' reet, North Fitzroy ALST RNWICK. -Building Allotments, £50 each; 210 depoei, plaus. John Vale and Son, 30 Colins-street east. VERY Man his own Landlord.

New Cottages; £10 deposit balance, monthly instalments. I. G. Bouson, 8t Collins-strect east. hundred acre, casy Melbourne, running creak: sell or exchange for town property.

103 Little treet east. EARNS and large Estates, Peter Al parts of Victoria; No. 3 lists on application. Cluskey, VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Comprising LARGE HALL and UITE of ROOMS.

Ferrara and streets (Emerald Hi SOUTH MELBOURNE. house, coach house and stable, loose box, BLISS and PERRYMAN, 32 Collins-street west. FRASER and Co. have received instructions to SELL PRIVATELY. SOUTH MELBOURNE, All that piece of land having 40 ft.

frontage to FERRARS-STRE ET. And S0 ft. frontage to DORCAS-STREET (Immedintely or posite the RAILWAY STATION). Upon the land is erected most substantially bulit two-story brick stucco building, containing. On the Ground Floor: One largo room or hail, and three small ones.

Up-tairs: Hull 00 51, and two small rooms. The SITUATION is the most convenient in South Melbourne, being at the corner of two principal streets, and immedistely opposite the RAILWAY STATION. For positivo salo. For title, certifcate, apply to Messrs. Klingender, Chersley, and Dickson, solicitors, Bank-place.

The gretter portion of the purchase money can remain on mortgage. new brick House, 9 rooms, road and Millswyn-street, Botanic Gardens. Thoinns Matthos9, architect. Weathe board bath. Villa, garden, pix ro verandabs, passage, For be 8, 4 Co lins-street; property lists.

4-roomed Cottage, passage, high land 60 $10; £240. Forbos SoDs, 4 Calling-stract west. OLGATE, auctioneer, Heidelberg Clifton has brick Villa, 4 rooms; land, 33 132 2410, terms. doing freehold, business: furniture valuation; township of Sale, nour station, splendid opportunity energetic person. John Valo son, 50 Golfina-street cast.

UGI! Pool, Queen-street, provides homes for mambors of his Instication, taking payment as weekly rent without deposit. Peck, Queen-street, has brick Cottage, four O'Shanassy-street, Hotham; payable 2 week without deposit. UGH Merri-street, Peck, 78 Brunswick, Queen-street, opposito hag Town Allotments Hall; 241 each: pavable 21 monthly. Mirams, 7 Collins-street west, has Properties, bargains, for Sale, all suburbs. Money lent to buy with.

UR CH. Hendsome Brick Villa, BLANTYRE." Drawing and dining rooms, breakfast room, 3 bed rooms, kitchen, servant room, storeroom, saullery, symn Sum, pantry, bathroom, coal Newport workshops, four -roomed Cottage, new, and Land: splendid position; price low; terms. Morgan, Williamstown. EAR: Smith Six-roomed House, large fruit gerden, fernets; 125 it. frontago by 82; 62.

Stone, 865A Smith-street, Collingwood. CAR New four roomed Hou stables, cow shed carrier: terins. stone, auctioneer, 3554 Smith street, Collingwood. Brick Villas, four. five rooms, £895, £450, conveniences, North Fitzroy email deposit.

Forbes, 4 Collin -street. EW well finished consonient three and five Nd Cotts.or, cheap terms easy. Gray, Highbury Grove, East Frahran. EW prick Cottaze, 4 rooms, bath, gas, Venotians, 4400: Chats worth-road, Underwood, on road, A condnoty sales, moderate auctioneer, terms; Racecourse. loans negotiated insurances effected.

Williamstown. -Neat Workshop, splendid Allotments, 73 163 153., worth gl. Morgan, Willa nstown. TORTE Fitzroy. -Three and four roomed brick Villas, detached; bath, gas fittings, dressors; 4300,, 355A Smith-street, Collin STREET, -Splendid suburban Ilotel and Cottaze, best of city land 23 ft.

6 In. 101 rental, 8130 yearly; £1300. Langeidge and Son, Colins street west. DRAHRAN, near railway station. -Comfortable br el: Villa, 6 rooms, 8015.

Valo and Sol, 30 Colling-stro east. healthiest part, and close to Toorale station. -First class W. Villa, conch house, da: terns Blackwell, Malvern-road, close Hawkaburn. or Collins-street west.

PR ARE Chance. brick House, bath good business position; ba 2205, terins. Stone, auctioneer, 355A Smith-street, Colling wood. Villa, 6 rooms, bathroom, 84 120; Lucas, Bridge rond, Bunting-street, Cutter, Dickens. £41; payable 41 monthly.

1fugh Peck, 75 Queen-street. MOND. Allotments in Swan and Burnley streets, clog to station very cheap. Hugh Peek, 73 ecn-street. near station.

-Cottage, new, weather. board, fro rooms, every convenience, 8400. Forbes, 4 -street west. chirolled bluestone Cote tage, four rooms, passage, gas; land, 25 100; 2325. Forbes, Bridge-road, DOY AD Park-road, Royal ParK.

-Brick Villa, 10 room bathroom, stable; conch house garden half acre land. NOUTH Melbourne. -Snug W. B. Cottage, 4 rooms, bath, 93 130 £100.

Chuck, agent, St. Kilda Junction. OUTA Melbourne. Several nont Cottages good positions; easy terms; from 0100 ench. Lemine, agent, 36 Clarendou-street.

OUTIE Melbourne. -Two weatherboard Cottages, esch two rooms £230 two. Beauchamp Brothers, 14 Collin -street weat. OUTIE Yarra. Neat Brick bath, gas, Cottage, 4350.

four Forbes, rooms, 4 verandall, passage, IT. Kitia -W. B. Cottage, 5 rooms, near elation, 2230 bargain. Lemme High street.

UPERIOR built brick Vil'1, pleasant aspret, roots, spacious ball, kitchen, scullery, lavatory, bath: nicely fitted. Lyndhurst-crescent, off diard-strest, Hawthoru. J. Elyde. Hills, immediately opposite station.

-g very Sac Building Sites, Frazor and 19 Quect-street. THREE ROOSTED Cottage, detached, Forandali back, front, bricked yard; 6160, cheap. Terms, Hosham Post Office. depodt, Apply 8. Maxwell.

7 ARRAVILLE, Sydnoy-street, near station. -New four-room Villa; £50 cash; balance to snit. Stirleng. Houses and Land Wanted. T.

Kilda. -Wanted, near Town Hell. Cottage, or 4 rooms £300 or 2400. Lemme High-st, 63 TORE wanted, central position. Address M.B., four roomed Cottage, in good condi.

WANTED, distance of town. Apply, early, W. J. Post Office, Carlton. sceptical of the Superiority of the New Wheeler and Wilson Machine, We refer with confidence following MANUFACTURES of CLOTHING Who are u-ing the New Wheeler and Wilson in preference to any other: Reath, Schiess and Flinders-lane.

Parry and Mackay, F.lizaboth-street. Mack and Ellis, Russell M'Ivor and Lincoln, Flinders Bowley and Co, Finders Flindera-street. Warne and Reid, Banks and Flinders Victoria Clothing Company, Frankim-street, R. A. Blomfield, Gore-street, Fitzroy, L.

Levinsohn, Monster Clothing Company, Rourke-street, S. Henderson, Bra side Factory, Richmond, and Hoffat, Bourke-street. And many others. The Machinists employed in the above factories will bear evidenco in favor of the superior merita of the NEW WHEELER and WILSON. Da not be misled, but Inspect the New Machines, and judze for yourselves, We guarantee the machines for ten years for domestic use.

Inspection Invited. LONG and 0., Agenta, 101 THE A Lessee G. B. W. Dirceirees Miss Emelio Melville.



WEDNESDAY, APRIL, LA 0 F. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, 94th and 25th April, Will given Lecoca's charming and ever popular Opera Bouffe, in throo acts, GIROFLE-GIROFLA. In preparation, CA N. Conductor, Mr. J.

Delaney. POPULAR PRICE. POPULAR PRICES. Business Manager for Miss Melville H. P.

LYONS. Dress circle, stalle, family circle, gal. lery, 6d. Doors open at 7, commence at Box plan at Glen's, where seats may be secured. Day tickets may be bad at F.



THE GRAND ORGAN Sinsical Director Mr. W. CARY. Clever Acrobats and Bar-act Performers, Messrs. TINDALL, HARRISS and THOMPSON, TO-NIGHT.



Open to-day at 10 a.m, To night, at 7 p.m. LAST DAY BU ON Melbourne Exhibition 1884. AUG L. EYRE, Secretary. DOSITIVELY CLOSE 23rd, this the most success.

ful EXHIBITION of the PRODUOTS of these COLONIES, And which has been commenced and carried through without milking the State cow, and has further in. duced amongst colonists a taste for, and the removal of prejudice against, colonial products, will posltively CLOSE on the evening of the 23rd. INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION, 1884, Will Positively CLOSE on Wednosday Night. AUG. L.

EYRE, Secretary, Three Hours' 0 Amusem*nt. Three Hours of Fun To-night. Last A Night. Last Night. L.

Three Hours of To-night. Three Hours' 83 Laughing. 0 Lathusiastic Reception of Tommy Hudson in his Great Danjo Speciality To-night. 8 Last Nights. Last Nights.

Our Bevy of Loveliness To-night. Last Nights. 1: La Nights. All. Lawton in his Groat Song and Dance Tonight.

Friday Next, Lawton's Benefit. HALL 0 SUIENCE. THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, 24th APRIL. HIGH CLASS DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE Ly Mr. WILLIAN HOSKINS and When will presented Sheridan Knowles's admirable The Ladies: and Gentlemen HIS PUPILS.

Comedy of THE HUNCHBACK. The persons of the draina will be represented by Mr. HOSKINS and his PUPILS. To preceded by A HAPPY PAIR. Also plaved by a and Gentleman, PUPILS of Mr.

HOSKINS. An Efficient Orchestra; Leader, Dir. F. Sweetman Admission: Reserved seats, Stalls, Body of the Hall and Bilcony, Back seats, 1s. Doors open quarter past curtain rises quarter to 8.

Business Manager, Mr. P. WARBURTON. Reserved plan open daily at Paling's Music Were. house, Colling-street east.

I TONIC -This SCHOOL evening, of at 8 MUSIC, o'clock, 80 Russell. Sirs. PATTON will give an explanatory lesson, showing the advantages of the systoni, previous to forming a NEW CLASS. Fereous interested invited. Admission free.

THE IDEAL STOVES. IDEAL STOVES. THE IDHAL STOVES. The following will interest all who love REALLY GOOD OOKING. The principals of Holstein louse have great sure in expre-sing their entire satiafaction with the stove supplied by Mesar, Long and some sixteen months ago.

Not only is the conking alt that can be desired, the saving the cost of fuel is at least 60 per and it might be more under an intelligent Ladies' College, Holstein House, South We hold a number of Testimonials of like import to the above, which way be had on application. The Now IDEAL COOKING STOVE For Wood, Coal, co*ke and Charcoal, Is quite tres from gasy odors. In Point of Economy It is by far tho Cho poet, For unlike any other Stove or Range, it will Eave More thin ity Cost in Fuel. Send for testimonials and Price Lists. Inspection Invited.

For proof of their Efficiency, Economy and Cleanliness. We can refer Purchasera To the Numerous Families who are using THE STOVES. Sole Arontg LON and 0 0., Ironmongers, Depot for Lahor Saving Household Utonsils, 101 ELIZABETH-STREET. EXHIBITION. CALCUTTA The Now Rotary WHEELER and WILSON HEWING MACHINE Awarded the GOLD MEDAL.

This taken in conjunction with the fact That they were the ONLY MACHINES Awarded the GRAND PRIZE At the late PARTS EXHIBITION (There were over 80 competitora), And aleo The Fact that they are now Adopted by LEADING MANUFACTURERS. Such Patent Facts should convince the most sceptical of the BIXTH WEEK of FORGET NOT. BIXTH WEEK of FORGET BIXTH WEEK of FORGET NOT. SIXTH WEEK of NOT. LAST NIGHTS LAST NIGHTS LAST NIGHTS of Miss GENEVIEVE WARD Miss GENEVIE WARD Mins GENEVIEVE WARD As the MARQUISE DE MOHRIVART, And of Mr.

VERNON Mr. VERNON Mr. W. H. Bir HORACE WELDY." THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING Will ba presented Grove and Morivala's famous drama, FORGET FORGET 000000.

NOT, FORGET FORGET NOT Other characters by Miss Annie Taylor, Miss Annie Mortyne, Mossra, Leitch, Fenton, Darvell and Bates, The play produced under the personal direction el Mr. W. I. Vernon. Act -THE UNBIDDEN GUEST.

Act IL. ARTICLE 148." Act THE FACE IN THE GARDEN. The sons representing SALOON in An OLD ROMAN PALACE, St. Peter's in the distance, by Gordon aud Heanings. Miss Ward's costumes by M.

WORTH, of Paris. The modern elaborate furniture selected from the repository of Mesers Cullis Hill and Co. Box plan at Nicholson'e, where seats can be reserved six nights in advance. Doors open 7.16; overture at 8. R.

8. SMY THE, In preparation, Mr. Sydney Grandy's Historical Comedy in four acts (adapted from the French), titled THE QUEEN'S FAVORITE. A IN AID Of THE AUSTIN HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLES. THE LAST DAY To OPEN at 3 O'CLOCK.

PUNCH AND JUDY, Produced by Professor BRINKLEY, AFTERNOON and EVENING. HERE PLOCK'S BAND Kindly Offered, EVENING, At 8 p.m. All Unsold Goods Must be Cleared Oat. Barrister 000 Chester 0 Bannather Minnie Tommy HURDLE RACE. st.

1b. Gladiator (late Norman) Chestor Big Drum 10 Albatross 10 Petor Tramby 9 Clown M. P. KELLY, Hon. Secretary, WE I THE WONDERFUL WERTHEN SEWING MACHINES.

WE ER TEE VICTORIAN BRANCHES MELBOURNE Head Office, 89 Flinders -lane 69 opposite Town Elall Coffee Tavern, Bourke-streel 156 Bridgs-road, HoteL Bridgo-street, next Back's Head SANDHURST Pall Stall, next Lyceum Stores MARYBOROUGE Bigh-street, Hotel. opposite Golden Ago GEELONG 56 Stoorabool-street. STAWELL next Aeschimans's. Liebig-street. HAMILTON.

Gray-street BEECHWORTH Camp-street. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE, Cheapest Place in Melbourne BEAUCHAMP BROTHERS Private Sales Rooms, 14 O0LLINS-STREET WEST. EVERY DESCRIPTION of FURNITORE For Sale Privately, BEACCHAMP ON COMMISSION (only). BROTHERs keep no stock whatever of their own. They simply sell on commission for the manufacturers and importers, An Immense assortment of DRAWINGROOM SUITES DININGROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES.


From 124, 132 6d. Upwarda. 181 and SPRING STREET. Telephonie Exchange Na. 198.

Ta ordering, this USTIN HOSPITAL FOR Richmond Stall. -No. 3 Art Union. -Winning 51, sole prize. No.

Art Union. -First 35 second prize, third prize, 24; fourth prize, 26; fifth prize, 38 sixth prize, 39. USTIN HOSPITAL BAZAAR. A SOUTH MELBOURNE and SANDRIDGE STALL. No.

1. ART UNION. WINNING NUMBERS: 593, 433, 118, 205, 740, 84, 608, 385, 715, 109, 705, 833, 408, 830, 624, 501, 411, 560, 614, 716, 64. 485, 855, 143, 78, 021, 085, 844, S42, 297, 832, 48, 457, 734, 584. 131, 249, 600, 134, 519, 650, 877, 053, 592, 316, 634, 781, 569, 607, 239, 88, 355, 654, 840, 983, 39, 4, 291, 658, 292, 661, 210.

Piesee claim prizes at Town Hall at once. 1 S. YEA SHIRE HANDICAP. st. lb.

Black Footman 7 Honey Fee 8 10 Gladiator (late Norman) 00 10 The People. of the most exquisite pieces of fooling that it la possible to -The London Standard. It la brightness London Dally Post. Three bours of incessant -The Beferee. The fall of the curtain a positive relief from laughter." -The Chronicle.

'Its action is brisk and rapid--its dialogue crisp and witty. Truth. situations perplexing and comical. -Ent'racte, Its music bright, fresh and sparkling." -Society, Its tone clear and Era. "It is extremely amusing, and funny to degree." Aberdeen Journal, goes with an eclat which is simply Immense.Dundee Advertiser.

It is strong, pungent and Theatre. And Every Evening Until Further Notice, At a quarter to 8 p.m. precisely, The whimsical, musical, comedy oddity in three acts, cutitled. FUN ON THE BRISTOL More merry tears The passion of loud laughter never shed." -Shakspeare's Midsummer's Night Dream." JOHN F. SHERIGAN as THE WIDOW A COMPLETE COMPANY FROM ENGLAND.

THE BEAUTIFUL VIEWS OF THE BRISTOL, By GEORGE GORDON and JOHN HIENNINGS, Applauded to the echo. Purchase your ticketsduring thoday, and come carly. THREE HOURS of INCESSANT LAUGHTER, "The funniest play on record." Box plan open daily at allan's Stalls, family elrole and pit tickets at Davis'a (late Muskett'e), at any time. HENRY R. HARWOOD, General Business Manager.

FUSION THE encored BRI five times SIS MAY Saturday last LIVING. for her quaint rendering of Negro Every ing at 9.30, FAUN, ON THE BRISTOL. -Mr. E. C.

DUNBAR applauded on Saturday last for his rendering of the Toreador's Song from Repeated to-nizht at 10. A Vir. A. T. Dunning OUSE Trossurer and Manager Mr.

J. I'. Dunning. CONTINUED PROSPERITY And SUCCESS of Miss JENNIE LEE, And Burnand'3 Burl sque BLUEBEARD. What the Papers Bay: sparkling musical burlesque, Blue.

bearu, at the Opaca House. The charming scenery paint by Sir. Harry Grist, and the brill ant dresses show that no pains or expense has heen spared in the mounting, while the music and dialogue are both well arrange. Miss Jennie Lee, as Blucoeard, is all life and spirits during the performance, and she shows that In ba traque she is thorou-bly at home. Tho bell -ong, Ting-ting, i- one of the best features of the mitsie, and is nightly encored." Argus fourth notice, Ting Ting encored nightly.

"One Kias More," Double Incore Nightly. Who'd Have Thought It," topical song, written by Edward Ellis. aud sung by Miss JENNIE LEE, treble encore. NEW TOPICAL DUET, The Queere.t hing I've Heard in All DIy Lite," Written by Edward Ellie, and sung by Dias SE JENNIS LEE and Mr. TAYLOR.

GREAT SUCCESS Of BARRE ALDE BALLET. NOVELTIES EACH EVENING. Box plan at Glea's. Door open at 7, overture 8. Hi A 0 A SUNDAY NEXT.

SACRED DRAMATIC RECITALS By Miss NELLIO ITCH, and Sacred Stus cal Selections, By the lending Vocal Musicians, Signora Coy, Mrs. Cutter, Signor Coy, Mr. Bergin. Connuctor, Mr. J.

Bummers. Admission, by ticket only, to bo obtained of all Magic sellers and the usual shops Prices of seats, 25. and one shilling. Ticket- mu-t be previously procured. Full programme in Thuredsy's issue.

Phi harmonic Sock ty. -Behearsal Costa', Eli," um, 7.30 sharp to night. W. F. Sinco*ck, hon.

sec. YAUTION to Owners of Theatres and Hails, MausCA gera, Professionals, Awateurs and Others. THE SOL RIGHT of Representing or Licensing the Representation in Australia and New Zealand of the undermention-d Comedies and Operas is vested in us, as the assignees and attorneys under power from the respective owners, and any person or persons represent ng, or allowing to be repre-ented, or assisting in the representation of any or either of the said Plays, Comedies and Operas will be procceded against ecording to law Sardou'a Fadora, Pinero's Lords and Commons, Farnie's Nell Gwynne and Derrick's American and For a Child's Sake, Julian Cross's Henriques, Sims and Pettit's In tho Ranks, Also, the whole of the Madison Square 'Theatre's Plays, including the Rajah Kemeralds, Young Mrs. Winthorpo and others. Also, Bartley Campbell's Plays.

Al Tillotson'g Planer's Wife and othera and Ballisco's La Della Ru-se, Stranglers of Paris, May Blossom and others, Dated the 21st April, 1831. JAMES ALLISON, For Binoid and Allison. Witness: -THOMAS PAVEY, Soliultor, Melbourne, GRAND CIRCUS and MENAGERIE, And the FAUST FAMILY and TROUPE. 3 Great and Costly Shows in Ono 8 Under 3 Mammoth Tents. The 40 World Famed Artiste, the Great WILD BEAST SHOW, and Signor CHIALINIS BEAUTIFUL HORSES and PONIES.

lu all its Entirety and Splendor, will Exhibit at ST. KILDA, on Monday and Tuesday, 21st and 22nd April, on Inkerman-street, between High and Chapel. PEARRAN, Wedneaday and Thorsday, 28rd and 24th April corner Chapel and Duke streets. RICHMOND, Friday and Saturday, 25th and 26th April, on the Market-square. Grand Free Out Door Concerts for one hour each evening, previous to tho performancos commencing, by Chiarini's celebrated circus band.

Doora open at 7 p.nt., commencing at 8. Prices, 59., 28. Children under 1v, half price. I. MAYA, Secretary.

USICAL Notice. -Job Blackburn, pianoforte TV tuner and confidential agent for the purchase or sale of pianos. Address care J. Armstrong, 56 Elizabeth--treet. W.

Coupland, teacher of pianoforte and cabinet organ, 89 Bridportstreet west, Albert Park. UDIANOS tuned, Carlton. Windsor, Fivo 55. L. Thomas, Grattan-street, years employed at lending Arm, Melbourne.

DIANOFORTE and Professor, Singing, Greig, el 1s. bookbinder, quarter; 167 refer. Ger trude-street, near George-street, Fitzroy. and ORGANS. -JABEZ CARNEGIE, 200 Bourko-street east, invites intending purchasers to inspect his munificent Stock of Pianos and Organs.

Pianos with iron frames, from 850. Agent for the world-renowned sterling Organ Organs. Unsurpassed for quality and cheapness. PIANOS and The cheapest house to chase first class instruments. Jabez Carnegie, importer, 200 Bourke-street east.

--The best makers, invited. cheapest Jabez house; Carnegie, cash or terns in-pection 200 Courke-street east. W. R. FURLONG SELLS PIANOFORTES, Organs; lowest cash ments, 258.

monthly. E0 Latrobe-street R. Mr. S. Gwynne, Coupland, 63 piano Gertrude tuner, succossor Fitzroy.

to Piano a lent on hire. Singing Class -Solo, concerted, Tuesday evenings; guinea quarterly. Mr. long, pianoforte warehouse, 59 Latrobe-street cast; Acadamy of Arts, Gallery, Albertstreet. -Exhibition open 10 to will close Thursiay, 24th.

ADAME Lucy Chambers, 0 Albert-street, opte Parliament Reserve. UVALLIS' Dancing Academy, 47 street. -Waltzing taught in six lessons, strictly private, hornpipes. jigs, do. ANCING.

-Mr. Curtis's Classes, -Monday, Tues day, Thursday evenings: Assemblies, Wednes. dasa, Fridaye, Hall, Canniug-street, Curiton. DA ANCING Grand waltzing Every match Evening, this Sharp's ovoning, Academy splendid prizes, grand band strictly select. 4 Good band efficient D.C.

Hall, W. to Tyler, saint. THRENOLOGY. Professor Shepherd describes what you are best adapted for, with chart 29. Cd.

47 Eastern Market. Publications, SECONDHAND, in Books Bought and Scott, Sold. 147 Best Swan. colston-street. ROTATE Schools.

-Hack wood's Notes of Lessons on Moral Subjects, 28. George Robertson Co. Limited. Funeral Notices. NITE Funeral of tho late DAVID POWER, 10 appointed to leave Cloverdale," Wallace -street, Toorak, on THIS DAY, 22nd at 8 o'clock, and will proceed to the place of interment, in the St.

Kilda Cemetery. ALF. AUG. SLEIGHT, Undertaker. THE Friends of the late JOIN PURCELL are ree spectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Boroondara Cemetery, Kew.

Tho funeral to more from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Purcell, Canterbury-road, Nupawading, THIS DAY ('Tuesday), Sind at 1 o'clock. JOHN DALEY, Undertaker, Latrobe and Sprinz streets, Melbourne. Friends of Mr. PATRICK O'BHIEN aro respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved wife to the place of Interment, Molb urne Cemetery.

The funeral will leave bis residence, 46 Villiers-street, Hotham, THIS DAY, 22nd Inst, at 3 o'clock. JOHN DALEY, Undertaker, Latrobo and Spring streets, Melbourne. VIE are Friends respoctfully of Me. invitad to JAMESN'OULLOUGH, follow the remains painter, of his late beloved wife to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery, The funeral will leave his late residence, Arzgle-square North, Cariton, ata quarter- 1 o'clock THIS DAY. HENRY ALLISON, Undertaker, Victoria-street west, Melbourne, and on Elgin-street, Carlton.

HE Friends of the late DUNCAN DOUGLAS are respectfully invited to follow his remains to tho place of interment, Melbonrno General tery. The funeral will leave his late residence, 8 West Melbourne, at o'clock THIS DAY. HENRY ALLISON, Undertaker, Victoria-aireet west, Molbuurne, 64 Elgin-street, Carlton. Printed and published by A the proprietors, DAVID JOESPE COWEN under the style of DAVID SINS and Cons at Tin Aen offlos, Outlan street east, Melbourne..

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.