20 THE MINNEAPOLIS STAR Dec. 6, 1967 TWIN CITIES: Mostly cloudy tonight and Thursday with a chance of occasional light drizzle tonight. Partial clearing with little temperature change Thursday. Low High Thursday 35. Precipitation probabilities: 20 per cent tonight and 10 per cent Thursday.
ALL OTHER ZONES: Mostly cloudy tonight with a chance of a scattered light rain south and scattered light snow north. Colder extreme west tonight. Considerable cloudiness and little cooler with a chance of scattered light rain or snow east portion. Minnesota LITTLE CHANGE Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU ESSA 30 COLDER 20.
10 20 -10 40 40 Rain FORECAST MAP 50' Flurries xxx 40 50 Showers Snow 40 Wednesday Night Figures Temperatures Show Low Expected 8: Isolated Precipitation Not Indicated Consult Local Forecast A FRONT through eastern Montana, eastern Wyoming and northwest Colorado is expected to move across North Dakota and South Dakota today and into Minnesota tonight, bringing some cloudiness and a few widely-scattered showers or snow flurries. A little warming will precede the front in Minnesota and will follow it Thursday. Temperatures are expected to cooling, above seasonal normals. little colder north Thursday snow likely and a little colder ably mixed with or changnorth and turning colder Five-day Forecasts TWIN CITIES: through Monday will average 8 above the normal normal low of changes will be throughout the OFFICIAL TEMPERATURES (U.S. Weather Bureau official readings) First column, highest ond, lowest in 12 hours, cipitation in 24 hours ending MINNESOTAMinneapolis 38 24 Alexandria 39 18 Bemidji 32 30 Brainerd 38 15 Duluth 37 28 Intl.
Falls 31 26 Mankato 43 17 Redw'd Falls 43 19 Rochester 46 28 St. Cloud 41 18 WISCONSINEau Claire 43 31 Green Bay 43 37 La Crosse 49 34 Madison 42 37 .02 Milwaukee 46 41 Wausau 44 32 IOWADes Moines 52 33 Mason City 45 23 Sioux City 49 20 SOUTH DAKOTAAberdeen 50 15 52 25 Lemmon 45 21 Rapid City 60 32 Watertown 49 22 NORTH DAKOTADevils Lake 46 Fargo 43 192298298 Bismarck 50 Dickinson 48 Grand Forks 39 Jamestown 48 50 Williston 46. MONTANAGlasgow 44 27 Great Falls 46 27 Havre 48 30 Miles City 44 27 .06 OTHER U.S. STATIONS Albuquerque 54 31 12 5 Upper Midwest NORTH DAKOTA: Fair to partly cloudy tonight. Variable cloudiness Thursday.
Cooler over the state tonight. Not much temperature change Thursday. SOUTH DAKOTA: Fair to partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Cooler over the tonight and in the extreme east Thursday. 10WA: Mostly cloudy.
Chance of rain or snow tonight. Thursday cloudy to partly cloudy and colder. Chance of occasional rain or snow east in the WISCONSIN: Rain or snow likely north, rain likely south. A temperature yesterday; secending 6 a.m.; third, pre6 a.m. Atlanta 63 42 Birmingham 61 39 Boise 50 23 .06 Boston 44 27 Buffalo 44 35 Casper 41 23 Chicago 46 40 .04 Cincinnati 53 Cleveland 43 41 .10 Denver 60 30 Detroit 40 37 .11 Fort Worth 61 51 .04 Honolulu 83 73 Houston 68 64 .06 Indianapolis 49 41 .08 Juneau 30 25 .13 Kansas City 59 49 Los Angeles 64 53 .01 Louisville 58 40 Memphis 61 54 .01 Miami 74 72 New Orleans 67 51 New York 46 23 Okla.
City 64 42 Omaha 49 29 Philadelphia 51 35 Phoenix 68 40 Pittsburgh 41 37 .02 Portl'nd, Ore. 42 35 .27 St. Louis 49 46 .23 Salt L. City 46 14 .20 San Antonio 64 51 San Diego 65 52 San Fran. 57 47 S.
St. Marie 38 32 Seattle 46 35 .11 Spokane 39 26 Tampa 76 64 Washington 55 36 CANADACalgary 29 12 Montreal 33 11 Regina 38 20 Toronto 35 35 Vancouver 47 36 .03 Winnipeg 35 25 AROUND THE WORLD (Temperature at' midnight CST:) Aberdeen, Scotland 34 Asuncion 86 Amsterdam 41 Casablanca 50 Thursday temperatures to 12 degrees high of 29 and 11. Temperature generally minor period. Dublin Geneva London Madrid Manila Mexico City Moscow New Delhi Oslo Paris tation is expected to total a tenth of an inch or less in. a few brief periods of light rain or snow showers.
MINNESOTA: Thursday through Monday temperatures will above average normal 8 to highs 14 of 21 degrees to 28 north and 28 to 31 south normal lows of 3 to 9 north and 9 to 16 south. Precipitation is expected to average a tenth of an inch or less in few brief periods of light rain or snow showers. 43 Rio de Paneiro 68 32 Rome 39 48 Saigon 75 34 Sofia 30 75 Stockholm 25 57 Tel Aviv 54 12 Tokyo 50 48 Tunis 54 34 Vienna 41 46 Warsaw 36 LOCAL WEATHER DATA (Minneapolis Hourly Temperatures on Page 1A) (Readings Today) High year ago, 40. Low, Precipitation from Record high, 63, in 1939. Record, low, -14 in 1936.
Sunrise: 7:36 a.m. Sunset: 4:32 p.m. Moonrise: midnight to 6 a a.m., none. 6 a.m. humidity, 12:13 p.m.
Moonset: 10:00 p.m. New First Qtr. Full Last Qtr. Dec. 1 Dec.
8 Dec. 16 Dec. 24 (Readings From Midnight to Midnight) Highest temperature 38, lowest 18. Highest humidity at 4 a.m., lowest at 3 p.m. Precipitation none.
Total for month .02, departure from Total for year 26.06, departure from normal Required Heating Units (One method of figuring heating requirements is to calculate how many degrees a day's average temperature fell below 65, the point at which artificial heat is generally considered necessary. The resulting figure can be used to estimate fuel consumption.) December 5, 1967, (Since 37 July required heating units. Year ago, 42. Normal, 44. Total number of degrees below 65 this heating season 2,048, last season 2,062, normal 1,975.
Radiation Count Beta Ray radiation measured in Minneapolis by Minnesota health department (any measurement under 1,000 micro-microcuries per cubic meter is considered safe.) Monday .2 micro-microcuries per cubic meter. Highest on record, 360, on Sept. 21, 1961. Gibbs Farm Home Museum to Open The Gibbs Farm Home, 2097 Larpenteur Av. St.
Paul, will be open this winter for the first time since becoming a Ramsey County Friday, Dec. 15, and remain open through March 15. On weekdays, except Mondays and Saturdays, the home will be open all day for guided CHEATING CHARGED Roy F. Anderson, 45, 1523 Emerson Av. was charged Tuesday with wrongfully obtaining unemployment benefits.
A complaint stated Anderson obtained a $38 un- Historical Society museum tours and on Sundays it will employment check last May 18 years ago. be open to the public from during a week in which he The museum will open 2 to 5 p.m. had been earning a salary. MAKE THIS YOUR MERRY (ORGAN) CHRISTMAS Go ahead, Dad, be a hero. You, Mom, Your "Minneapolis Music Men" listed below offer and the kids can have fun anytime of the complete instructions and easy terms.
You really owe day of the week at any hour! it of to yourself in and your family to future. investigate Do it the joys year, investment will let an organ family's any now. A one-time you and Mom unwind the cares and tensions. YOUR MINNEAPOLIS Great for get-togethers the kids will always thank you for the chance you MUSIC MEN probably missed to be the star when the gang Can't needs some one to play for a HUMMMM, party. read a note? We have just da the answer for the beginners, young and old.
2526 University, Paul 7979 Southtown 6436 Penn Ave. Mpls. 600 West 66th Mpls. 10th Nicollet Center Brookdale Plaza Marquette 1131 Mpls. 1008 So.
First, Willmor Apache Plaza 1455 University, St. I Paul VITAL STATISTICS Marriages, Births, Deaths and Divorces HENNEPIN COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS John H. Bluestone, 27, 1417 Lasalle Eunice Critt, 22, 1417 LaSalle Av. Clarence M. Brown, legal, Louisiana, Anne J.
Mimes, legal, San Diego, Calif. Donald R. McGillivray, legal. Maple Plain; LeEtta M. Engblom, legal, 7435 Lyndale Av.
Richfield. Paul R. Bosques, 32, 2712 E. 28th Diane R. Skogman, 27, 4015 E.
29th St. Thomas A. Smith, 21, 3016 Florida Av. Crystal; Linda M. Brisson, 20, 6510 Markwood Crystal.
Scott T. McDonald, 21, 2323 27th Av. Cheryl E. LeClaire. 18, 525 Humboldt Av.
N. Brett H. Smith, 21, 2614 Grand Mary A. Growette, 20, 2614 Grand Av. John N.
Gammel 23. 6949 Jersey Av. Brooklyn Park; Sharon K. Wienhold, 24, 832 30th Av. S.
Peter D. St. Clair, 26, 431 NE. Taylor Joyce A. Bellanger, 25, 1508 E.
25th St. John D. Behrendt Ill, 25, 9213 Chicago Av. Bloomington; Connie M. Piller, 22, 3808 Lyndale Av.
S. Stephen Montgomery, 20, Pompano Beach, Malane D. Steffens, 17, 3244 Yosemite Av. St. Louis Park.
John W. Doyle, 24, Rochester, Carol J. Hoven, 18, 3507 Blaisdell Av. Harris S. Grahn, 25, Madison, N.J.; Susan T.
Mills, 21. 230 Oak Grove Av. Richard G. Dittrich, 26, 1516 W. 25th Geraldine M.
Olson, 25. 4549 46th Av. S. Patrick M. Larkin, 18, Hamel; Katherine J.
Heshliman, 16, Loretto. William W. Dykoski, 24, 1809 S. 2nd Susan R. Wallin, 23, 1113 27th Av.
NE. Vernon E. Lewis, legal, 1529 NE. Jefferson Ella M. Johnson, legal, 2100 NE.
Grand St. Ronald R. Fearing, 26, 1776 Humboldt Av. Marlene A. Kowalzek, 26, 1825 York Av.
N. Keith G. Hopponen, 32, 6745 Pleasant Av. Richfield; Veronica Koschak, 22, 6224 Idylwood Lane, Edina. Floyd B.
Olson, 28, cl*therall, Patricia J. Hartfield, 21, 2130 Sheridan Av. N. Roy E. Majors, legal, 2830 15th Av.
Donna M. Monk, legal, 2830 15th Av. S. Duane D. Garrett, 27, 5222 Lyndale Av.
Sharon K. Douthitt, 22, 625 E. 14th St. Paul H. Anderson, 24, 1491 Hamline St.
Paul; Susan K. Steinhaus, 20. 3412 Maplewood Dr. Michael D. Swanson, 21, 5642 Wood Lane, Edina; Sylvia A.
Lewis, 18, 1100 University Av. SE. Dennis G. Drevniak, 28, 3211 NE. Buchanan Rosemary J.
Prom, 26, 2540 NE. Ulysses St. Brian L. Menten, 22, Mankato, Cheryl K. Wright, 19.
Wayzata, Steven C. Fossum, 21, 8600 W. 25th St. Louis Park; Carol C. Hinkley, 20, 4164 Meadbrook Lane St.
Louis Park. Granti P. Gustafson, 22, Excelsior; Kay E. Sotherlund, 19, Excelsior. William C.
Thayer, 25, 4228 Zenith Av. Patricia L. Oldenburg, 25, 4228 Zenith Av. S. Perry S.
Skrukrud, 23, 2738 Pillsbury Cheryl S. Fisher, 21, 2725 Humboldt Av. S. David J. Karter, 20.
1732 Saunders St. Paul; Gloria J. Randahl, 20, 4536 Grimes Av. Robbinsdale. Theodore J.
Tangen, 23, 2855 Blackstone St. Louis Park; Dorothy J. Blake, 20, 3657 Fremont Av. N. Paul W.
Robinson, 25, Waukegan, Mardell D. Jewett, 24, 3118 Grand Av. S. David A. Swanson, 29, 6325 Lyndale Av.
Richfield; Nora H. Dynan, 24, 1312 E. 78th Richfield. Paul D. Swanson, 20, 3321 23rd Av.
Sandra L. Swanson, 20, 3724 21 st Av. S. Michael R. Ramsden, 18, 13619 Inverness Road, Hopkins; Deborah Douglas, 18, Homedale Road, Hopkins.
Thomas O. Moe, 24, 412 Knox Kathryn S. Little, 21, 7033 4th Av. Richfield. Gary Stromme, 28, 2717 Blaisdell Av.
Susan L. Johnson, 23, 2717 Blaisdell Av. S. Thomas M. Partridge, 18, 1505 10th Av.
Carol A. Ness, 18, 3117 28th Av. S. Vincent DiLoreto, 55, 2031 W. Old Shakoope Road, Bloomington; Roberta M.
Franck, 48. Cedar Falls, lowa. Ronnie Lloyd, 21, 2737 5th Av. Twyliah J. Kelley, 19, 3404 3rd Av.
S. Lance W. Rasmussen, legal, 15910 14th Av. Wayzata; Pamela J. Olson, legal, Auburn, Calif.
BIRTHS GIRLS Mr. and Frederic C. "Barber, 5008 W. Mill Road, Minnetonka. Roger F.
Beck, 11120 Carver Burnsville. Daniel Chalich, 6720 Tartan Curve. Eden Prairie. Herbert B. DeVaan, Excelsior.
Thomas E. Ernst, 5604 Edgewater Blvd. John D. Hess, 1119 W. Minnehaha Pkwy.
Warren D. Hess, 869 Oriole Rosemount. Edwin D. Iverslie, 8209 Knox Av. Bloomington.
William M. Jankord. 3852 Minnehaha Av. Paul N. Johnson, 8425 31st Av.
Crystal. Carl W. Kroening, 4539 Vincent Av. N. Gary A.
Mathiowetz, 3924 Lundale Av. N. William R. Rilea, 3613 47th Av. Brooklyn Center.
John C. Ru-- 121 E. 59th St. Donald J. Smith, 5423 Xenia Av.
Crystal. Donald G. Stieg, 13804 Shirley Burnsville. Jerome F. Wallin, 8448 N.
Meadow Lake Road. New Hope. Donald J. Anderson, 1513 37th Av. NE.
Jerome E. Barry, 2503 14th Av. S. Paul J. Bermudez, 6505 45th Av.
Crystal Richard D. Biorkley, 3117 28th Av. S. Oscar 1. Blegen 5200 NE.
3rd St. Jimmy L. Boone, 2826 Park Av. Arlo L. Christenson, 2340 Grand Av.
Ronald L. Green, 3620 Boardman St. Glenn L. Harkness, 948 Redwell Lane, Rosemount. Thomas L.
Harpole, 2604 Oliver Av. N. Gerard M. Heslin. Prior Lake.
Donald L. Jackson, 1506 E. 23rd St. Dale H. Jacobson, 7501 Portland Av.
Norman L. Johnson, 6425 22nd Av. S. LaVerne McAlister, 1716 University Av. NE.
Merlin J. Moser, 18800 Lyndale Av. Lakeville. Robert D. Oswaldson, 1018 12th Av.
SE. Randall S. Pederson, 3953 23rd Av. S. Gerald H.
Peterson, 3512 Girard Av. N. Gordon C. Peterson, 17 102nd Lane Coon Rapids. Gerald A.
Sebastian, 1827 LaSalle Av. Homer D. Sherman, 16 E. Golden Lake Road, Circle Pines. Jon L.
Smith. 6821 19th Av. Richfield. Clement J. Foneau, 6715 Humbolt Av.
Brooklvn Center. Richard N. Wolfe, 604 4th Av. SE John A Wright, 6908 Edgewood Av. Brooklyn Park.
BOYS Mr. and David C. Alspach. 3252 Sheridan Av. William F.
Badenhoff. 3235 17th Av. S. Raymond H. Carey, 6931 Boyd Eden Prairie.
Donald C. Dahlstrom, 4641 Nevada Av. New Hope. Dennis N. Flatgard, 5741 20th Av.
S. David R. Grand, 3431 Georgia Av. Crystal. Delbert H.
Haase, 7608 65th Av. Brooklyn Park. Roger A. Hokanson, 8615 NE. Lincoln Blaine.
Robert M. Jackson, 1700 Fairfield Road, Minnetonka. Harry, P. McLenighan 409 W. 74th Richfield.
H. Larimore MacNamara, 8100 Blaisdell Av. Bloomington. Cecil R. Madsen, 9143 W.
Hwy. 55, Golden Valley Bruce A. Pedersen, 7220 43rd Av. New Hope. Gary J.
Price, 7320 Cedar Richfield. Kent L. Tonsager, 1020 3rd Farmington. Gerald R. Townsend, 2315 Queen Av.
N. Alvin P. Traaseth, 12524 Dominick Circle, ins. Gary A. Turner, 2109 W.
90th Bloomington. Dennis D. Burkstrand. 3924 Van Nest Av. George R.
Cossette. 9524 Knox Av. Brooklyn Park. John J. Drabant.
3026 23rd Av. S. Herman Gatlin, 690 Emerson Av. N. Donald F.
Gumphrey, 3352 33rd Av. S. Donald A. Hammer. 1500 NE.
Grand St. Moon Hi Han, 816 5th Av. SE. Frank J. Huber, 2633 York Av.
N. Richard D. Jensen, Staff house 17. Rosemount. Eugene F.
Klaers, 4638 Pillsbury Av. Earl L. Kretzmann. 3543 2nd Av. S.
Thomas D. LaBrant, 2374 Hillview Road. Thomas R. Lane, 3413 65th Av. BrookIvn Center.
Edward L. Maciasek, 3511 N. 6th St. James A. Mcintyre, Newton, 2019 5743 21st Glenwood Av.
S. Golden Valley. Robert W. Olson, 10033 James Circle, Bloomington. Walter J.
Oman, 4555 31 st Av. S. Sherwin L. Singsaas, 3708 Flag Av. New Hope.
Earnest L. Wiley. 4748 Park Av. DEATHS Kimberly C. Arcand, 35 days, 5344 Eagle White Bear Lake.
Ellen Atherton, 72, 4606 Wentworth Av. James H. Baker, 85, 1212 S. 9th St. Shelly Berg, 2, Brockton, Mont.
Laymon W. Braun, 71, 413 Knox Av. N. Becky Jo Campbell, 9 1032 Washington Av. Hilda C.
Dudley, 68, 3536 14th Av. S. Katherine Duska, 87, 3312 Pillsbury Av. Edward Felt, 14, 2123 Queen N. Joseph E.
Feyeresen, 84, 5257 York Av. S. Leopold Ewald Gartz, 88, 3527 Newton Av. N. Paul C.
Hartig, 69, 3045 Nicollet Av. Esther Himmelman, 74, 821 Douglas Av. S. Ella Adams Jackson, 99, 1710 Oliver Av. N.
Sigmund Link, 82, 4241 Nokomis Av. Nellie Coyle Little, 95, 3700 Cedar Lake Av. James L. Majerus, 47 days, $1709 South Ferry, Anoka. Valentine Maslowski, 60, 513 19th Av.
NE. Harold Moench, 55, 3117 4th Av. S. Robert Pfeifer, 39, 705 South 9th St. Lillian Elizabeth Russell, 57, Rt.
4, Mound. Buryl I. Salmon, 49, 4344 Reservoir Columbia Heights. Mabel S. Swartout, 75, 3047 Cedar Av.
S. Anna M. Torgerson, 91, 1412 15th Av. N. Truwe, 70, 3429 22nd Av.
S. Ruth M. Berry, 72, 317 Willow Lane, Wayzata. Felix J. Brunelle, 60, 3625 Perry Av.
Robbinsdale. Paul Garay, 5524 Nokomis Av. S. Walter H. Goellner, 67, 3840 Noble Av.
Robbinsdale. Ernest R. Kulberg, 81, Elk River, Minn. Joseph E. Mielke, 54, 4017 Oakland Av.
S. Edwin R. Muetzel, 70, Litchfield, Minn. M. Weir Smith, 56, 4525 Vincent Av.
S. Joseph S. Strate, 81, 5216 Division Edina. Mariorie Wackerbarth, 67, 4122 Linden Hills Blvd. DIVORCES GRANTED Rose G.
Evans from Martin P. Evans. Lois E. Kemper from William E. Kemper.
Mary H. McLain from Edward M. McLain. JoAnn C. Jensen from Robert L.
Jensen. Bertha Buffington from Laurel Buffington. Paul D. Spohn from Faith S. Spohn.
Bernice H. A. Kuhlman from Lawrence W. Kuhlman. Marsha A.
Aakvik from John I. Aakvik. Elinor L. Emerson from William T. Emerson.
Gayle F. Radil from Edward J. Radil. Ann E. Milbauer from Raymond J.
Milbauer. Nancy E. Stabler from James E. Staebler. Mary P.
Fisher from Richard A. Fisher. Judith L. Anderson from Richard K. Anderson.
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES New This Year Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Hepatitis 2 0 120 0 Measles 59 Influenza 3 Scarlet Fever 85 Tuberculosis 129 Active 74 Inactive 55 Whooping Cough 12 Gonorrhea 1071 Salmonella 47 Syphilis 0 63 RAMSEY COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS James Christopherson, 284 Sidney St. W. Rebecca L. Sauser, 440 Cherokee Av. Kenneth M.
Owens, 975 Hawthorne Av. Judith A. Clasen, 2176 Arkwright St. Patrick L. Jefferson, 462 Fuller Diane A.
Miller, 497 Dayton Av. Stanley J. Jacobson, '2821 Charles Kathleen H. Stower, St. Anthony Av.
Sandy W. Fuqua, 453 Iglehart Elinora P. Woodrow, 448 Carroll Av. James A. E.
Hagquist, 113 8th Av. N. Hopkins; Darlene M. Jones, 1430 Shryer Av. W.
Peter D. Abler, Snelling Av. Pauline Polinow, 1094 St. Clair Av. John C.
Zollman. 1285 E. 3rd Patricia A. Falk. 769 Case Av.
E. John L. Weidenbach, 281 Lafond Diane B. Richter, 827 Lafond Av. Thomas W.
Loeffler, 561 N. Dale Keitha C. Kern, 826 Lovell Roseville. Norman K. Williams, 1874 E.
Shore Maplewood; Anita F. Larkin, 601 Central White Bear Lake. Ronald W. Bergman, 1740 Marion Nancy L. Carlson, 3204 W.
Owasso Shorewood. Gerald R. Mazurkiewicz, 1864 Sherwood Rosemary Dunsmore. 1600 Reany Av. Chu-Shin.
Chiv, 201 E. Franklin Chin-Shia Wang, 570 Capitol Blvd. Douglas R. Anderson, 1085 Flandrau Betty K. Beck.
1269 E. Cook St. Edward E. Rusk. 230 Aurora Marie Friberg, 1577 -A Jessamine Lane, Roseville.
BIRTHS GIRLS Mr. and Stephen Bowen, 956 Bidwell West St. Paul. Duane Chapdelaine, 2139 Goodrich Av. John Foy, 299 Edith Drive, West St.
Paul. William Fredine, 1547 Hoyt Av. E. Robert Gumm, 1507 Brenner Roseville. Burton Johnson, 740 River Dr.
Stanley Johnson, 539 Capitol Blvd. Francis Koller, 3630 Aldrich. Av. S. Edward Krawczewski, 726 Geranium Av.
Americas Christmas Store GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST S. Leon Marcotte, 1830 Larpenteur Av. W. Nobel Overom, 2127 Burns Av. Howard Peterson, 285 Cottage Av.
W. Robert Puariea. 2176 Stewart Av. Steven Schad, 1037 Cromwell Av. Daniel Treio-Coria, 1435 Grantham St.
Richard Young, 1597 E. 80th Inver Grove Heights. BOYS Mr. and James Behr, 1191 Dayton Av. Daniel Bohen, 2787 Virginia ville.
Michael Goff, 1280 Davern St. Ramiro Gonzalez 148 Winifred St. Robert Kreuger, 938 Cypress St. Manivalde Kukk, 83 W. County Rd.
Little Canada. Duane Marcotte, 846 Pierce Butler. Jerome Matter, 812 Ridgewood Oakdale. Henry Scalon, 1530 Fairmount Av. Richard Schmitt, 257 Maria Av.
Melvin Schultz, 3485 Centerville Road, Vadnais Heights. Larry Tranberg. 960 Hampden Av. Robert Truax, 755 Oakdale Av. Alan Weiss, 1905 Reaney Av.
Eugene Willwerscheid 969 Fair. mount Av. Dennis Winberg, 1724 Oakwood Shoreview. TWIN BOYS Mr. and Lawrence Kimports Ill, 1645 Valentine Arden Hills.
DEATHS Clara Arent, 56, 1391 Thomas Av. Rose Brown, 85, Selby Av. France Bushinski, 48. 1301 Ottawa Av. West St.
Paul. Ruth Commodore, 56, 1009 Fuller Av. Eleanor DeJonker. 75, 736 Geranium Av. E.
William Doree, 67. 900 Holton St. Arthur Hansen, 54, 1184' Minnehaha Av. W. John Haselman, 74.
549 VanBuren Av. Orval Keller, 82, 1111 Burns Av. Daniel McGuire, 18, 1668 Craig Place. Nathen Malcolm, 78. 10950 Courthouse Inver Grove Hts.
Victor Michaelson, 80. 1542 Grantham St. Anna Salt. 83, 47 Inner Dr. Frank Sours.
53. 2076 Larpenteur Av. E. Leonard Thompson 79, 1622 Welleslev Av. GREAT GIFTS CAMP CASHMERE Stretch Anklet SOCKS $3 Cashmere Nylon CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS TAILORS Arthur Koritz NORTHSTAR CENTER 332-5484 Open Mon.
Thurs, to 8:30 Rain Baby Baby (Uneeda Only high! Drink and wet BABY PEEWEE DOLLS Jointed vinyl dolls with bottle. Choice of twelve rooted hair and drinking 59 cute costumes from Dressup Time to Carriage Time. Soft quilted nylon tricot MISSES' WARM ROBES Choice of 3 lovely styles polyester fiberfill. quilted to cloud-light Ko- -99 Rayon satin trims, Washable, Pastels. Sizes 10-18.
Washable, colorful LINEN HANGING CALENDAR TOWELS Novel but practical gift in choice of six designs. 16x 29" with dowel and string for hanging. Boxed. Elastic leg style DUPONT TRICOT SATIN BRIEFS pair Luxuriously soft. Comfortable elastic legs, waist.
Double crotch. White, red, black, pink, blue. Sizes 5-8. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ITEMS WOOLWORTH'S REPLACEMENT OR MONEY REFUNDED YOUR MONEY'S YOUR SYMBOL OF For men and boys UNDERWEAR men for 3 2.95 boys 3 for 2.35 Cotton knit T-shirts with reinforced backs, men's S-M-L-XL. Briefs with double panel backs, men's 30-42.
Boys' sizes 8-16. this 1968 size storage HEAVY PLASTIC SEWING CHEST 199 Two lift-out trays hold scissors, pins, thread and more. Space for fabric and patterns. Handle. GUNDI Loved by all ages PLUSH TOYS Cuddly toys for tots to teens.
Our lovable menagerie includes dogs, cats, elephants, bears, a bull, even a Humpty Dumpty. AVAILABLE WORTH MART AND WORTH MORE AT Gold -color galleries MIRRORED VANITY TRAYS 248 16x6" rectangle, rectangle with easel back for use as tray or mirror, oval. Lovely gifts. MOST WOOLWORTH STORES.